Automation and Version Control in Linux

Automation and Version Control in Linux" is the fourth entry in our Linux Mastery series, designed for those looking to deepen their DevOps skills. In this post, we introduce the power and efficiency of automation in Linux through shell scripting. You'll learn how to create and run your own scripts, turning repetitive tasks into simple, one-command solutions. We also dive into the world of Git, the essential tool for version control, covering basic commands like git clone, git pull, git push, and git commit. This blog is perfect for anyone ready to streamline their workflow and collaborate more effectively on projects. Join us as we explore these crucial aspects of DevOps work!


Manish Soni

11/21/20232 min read

Automation and Version Control in Linux by Manish Soni
Automation and Version Control in Linux by Manish Soni

Welcome back to our Linux Mastery series for DevOps. In this fourth installment, we'll explore the vital realms of automation through shell scripting and the fundamentals of version control using Git. These skills are indispensable for any DevOps professional looking to streamline operations and ensure efficient workflow management.

Automating Tasks with Shell Scripting

Linux's true power for a DevOps professional lies in its ability to automate tasks. Shell scripting is an effective way to combine multiple commands into a single script, executing a series of operations automatically.

Introduction to Shell Scripting

  • What it is: Shell scripting is writing a series of command for the shell to execute. It can range from simple to complex tasks.

  • Why it's important: It saves time, reduces the margin of error, and ensures consistent execution of tasks.

Basics of Writing a Shell Script

  • Creating a Script: Start with a shebang line (#!/bin/bash), followed by commands as you would enter them in the command line.

  • Making it Executable: Use chmod +x to make your script executable.

  • Running a Script: Execute with ./

Example Use Case

  • Script Example: A simple backup script that copies files to a backup directory.

Explanation: This script uses tar to compress the /home/user/data directory into a backup archive.

Version Control with Git

In the world of software development and DevOps, version control is essential. Git is a widely used version control system that tracks changes in source code during software development.

Introduction to Git

  • What it is: Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.

  • Why it's important: It allows multiple people to work together, tracks changes, and helps in reverting back to older versions if needed.

Basic Git Commands

  • git clone: Clones a repository into a new directory.

  • git pull: Fetches from and integrates with another repository or a local branch.

  • git push: Updates remote refs along with associated objects.

  • git commit: Captures the state of a project at that point in time.

Working with Git

  • Example Workflow: Create a file, add it to the staging area using git add filename, and commit it using git commit -m "Commit message". Push the changes with git push.

  • Best Practices: Commit often with meaningful messages, and sync regularly with the remote repository.


Automation with shell scripting and version control with Git are two pillars of efficient DevOps practices. They not only save time but also bring a level of precision and accountability to your workflow. In our final blog, we'll explore package management, security, and containerization with Docker, rounding off your comprehensive journey into Linux for DevOps.

Stay tuned for more insights and practical knowledge to enhance your DevOps skills and capabilities.